The Idea is Taking Shape

So...last month I posted about this idea I had for a participatory piece that would be part of my MOB Project.   I linked this post to my 3F Creations Facebook Page...and one dear friend responsed.

So...I linked this post to the JDRF Facebook response.

So then...I "screwed my courage to the sticking place" and went to the general membership who subscribe to the SAQA Yahoo Group.

Enter Susan Lenz, a cyber-buddy who is the most amazing, imaginative, connected, prolific textile and mixed media artist I've ever come across.  She took the trouble to forward information about the project to a friend, as an introduction.  And she encouraged me to jump in, regardless of how many responses I currently had -- or didn't have.  In her words,

My advice is not to wait for the responses but "go for it".  The world will answer and what donations you receive (be they too many or too few) will tell you exactly what to do with them.  You'll look back and know it was all in the Great Creator's plan!
Who can argue with that?!

Today marks 19 months into the project, and 13 months (plus a few days) till the end of it.  I'm still stitching...and the marks are still spreading...

Even the wee bit of pre-diagnosis "fresh air" stitched in pale blue...

But today, I've gone a step farther.  Or maybe, a few steps.  I've heard from a dozen people now, so have drawn up a spread-sheet with their names and contact information.  (Organizing this way helps me to get my thoughts in order.)

I've drafted a letter to enclose with materials that will be sent to them by week's end.

And once this post goes up, I'll be linking it to my 'regular' blog, and to my 3F Facebook Page, and maybe even farther afield...

I'm going to remember why I'm doing this, and what it means...with sincere thanks for those who've volunteered, and those who will do so, and to all my Gentle Readers for their support.

            Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute; 
          What you can do, or dream you can do, begin it; 
          Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.*
*Attributed to Goethe